Returns Policy


If purchased from the online store, you may return most new, unopened, unworn, and unwashed items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Please email us in advance so we know to expect your return. All items must be returned in original condition, including manufacturer packaging, tags, documentation and any accessories. We reserve the right to refuse a return if the above conditions are not met. If a return is taking place for any other reason than a defective item, you are responsible for the shipping costs.

If you received a defective item, contact us right away and we will be happy to help resolve the issue. If you simply want to exchange your new and unused item for something else, you can return it for a refund and place a new order through our website. That way you get your new item quickly and avoid the risk of it selling out.

Please email us at to set up a return. We strongly recommend tracking your return shipment. We are not responsible for any lost shipments once they have been delivered to you.

Please send your merchandise to:
Madeline Hawthorne Store
1667 S. Acoma St.
Denver, CO 80223.

Once we receive your return we will issue a refund to your credit card. This is only good for orders purchased online. You should expect to receive your refund on your credit card within 5-10 business days of us receiving your return.